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NAOHOA Luxury Bespoke Tattoos
(inside Leila & Violeta’s Hair & Beauty Salon)
22 City Road
CF24 3TW


I’m scared – can I bring a friend?
NAOHOA totally understands that getting a tattoo is a big step for most people and that it’s nice to have someone around for support. There is a space for one guest to sit with you, but due to space restrictions and risks of distraction, please avoid bringing groups in. I am happy to accommodate you and one additional friend or partner but please be respectful of the craft and the level of concentration required. Individuals or groups that cause excessive ruckus will be asked to leave.


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Special Thanks
” Changing career path and setting up the business has been one crazy and exciting ride. I want to thank my family and friends for their unwavering belief in me – especially those who helped set up the studio space and lined up to be my clients before it was even ready! To Business in Focus for the business and financial support and last but not least, my partner for being remarkably supportive and encouraging every step of the way. I couldn’t have done it without you.
– Naomi Hoang

Regarding Divider Icon Change:

You can replace divider icon by simply adding this code to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Other >> Custom CSS.

hr.section-divider:after {
    content: "\f085";

There are over 400 different icons included with this theme and here you can see the entire library of these icons called Font Awesome.

Let me know if you have any other question.


<div class=”content-separator”>
<center><img class=”seperator-img” src=”http://naomihoang.com/images/naohoa_divider.png” alt=”NAOHOA Divider”></img></center>


Then you will have to replace this line of code inside content-single.php and content.php files:

<hr class="section-divider">

With an actual image code of your own image. Here is an example using colorlib logo.

<div class="content-separator">
	<img class="seperator-img" src="https://colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/colorlib-logo-top.png" alt="Colorlib logo"></img>

Once you are done with things mentioned above you will have to align logo properly and add a proper size for it. Here is CSS that you can use via the same Custom CSS field I mentioned in my previous answer.

.content-separator {
  text-align: center;
.content-separator img {
  width: 150px;
  height: auto;

This is just an example and you can base your solution on this.


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