#NAOHOAstory…Out With the Old, In With the New January 31, 2019January 31, 2019 NAOHOA This gent first got his tattoos over 3 decades ago and, after seeing body art that’s available nowadays, wanted an upgrade! (1/3) This client has tattoos from 35 years ago! Seeing all the shiny artwork that’s out these days, he approached NAOHOA to cover up a piece from his teen years. 🐍 #NAOHOAstory⠀⠀⠀⠀ (2/3) For this coverup, I needed the original tattoo lightened to make my job easier in the next sesh. Here is a before and after shot (healed) to show how much it faded after applying skin-tone ink….you can see the difference under the same lighting in the second pic, where he compares the two old tattoos! #NAOHOAstory View this post on Instagram (3/3) Upgrade complete! Well sat, bud. 👌 Looking forward to catching up in the Summer to fill the rest of that arm! 😃👏 #NAOHOAstory . . . #tattoo #freshtattoo #rosetattoo #coverup #coveruptattoo #byebyeoldtattoo #oldschoolcoverup #tattoosformen #oldtattoo #newtattoo #cardiff #cardifftattoo #tattoocardiff #newport #wales #bristol #bath #femaletattooist #femaletattooartist #ladytattooer A post shared by NAOHOA Luxury Bespoke Tattoos (@naohoa) on Jan 31, 2019 at 9:21am PST Ready For The Plunge? Book an Appointment: