#NAOHOAstory…Two Blossoms 🌸 March 28, 2019March 31, 2019 NAOHOA (1/3) This client approached me for her first, and very meaningful, tattoo…#NAOHOAstoryâ € View this post on Instagram (2/3) The design process behind this bittersweet tattoo. Each blossom represents a miscarriage on their journey to bring life into this world…#NAOHOAstory . . . #cherryblossom #tattoodesign #cherryblossomtattoodesign #pretty #delicate #timelapse #ipadpro #miscarriage #tribute #tattoo #cardiff #cardifftattoo #tattoocardiff #newport #wales #bristol #bath #femaletattooist #femaletattooartist #ladytattooer A post shared by NAOHOA Luxury Bespoke Tattoos (@naohoa) on Mar 21, 2019 at 5:25am PDT (3/3) Congrats on your first tattoo, Lorna! To those struggling to conceive, check out her Instagram account @ch3rryblossom02, where she shares her experiences to raise awareness and so others feel less alone. #NAOHOAstoryâ € Ready for the Plunge? Book an Appointment: